Lifetime License Access


Picture Perfect Trend Trading paired with Sierra Chart’s powerful platform and developed amazing programs and tools can help traders to meet their goals and handle entry/exit challenges.

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This level of license access grants our members the indicators listed below on and ongoing basis with no need to renew their access. The member will receive all the updated charts and chartbooks, access to the daily morning sessions and weekend workshops, and recorded videos.  In addition to lifetime access, the member will receive the same benefits as the “VIP Elite Traders Program” (valued at $1,297.00). The All-Inclusive package allows the trader to shift their approach for the various market patterns they may encounter. This package may only be used with the Sierra Chart and Ninja Trader platforms.

This package includes all comprehensive studies that have been created to date. You will be instructed on how to utilize them in your trading during your individual sessions and/or weekend workshops.


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